South Point School


which they periodically update at workshops and seminars.

Teachers lead, and have always led, Pointers in their quest for excellence. They constitute a large and dedicated group, mostly post-graduates in various academic streams, while several of them have doctorate degrees. Computer, ELT and B.Ed. qualifications add to their expertise and enhance their proficiency.

South Point School has nearly 200 teachers with 160 non-teaching staff members taking care of other aspects. Out of a total of 390 members of staff in South Point High School, the teaching faculty consists of about 270 and the rest are non-teaching staff members.

The lively world of South Point thrives on the precious interaction between teachers and pupils. The School nurtures this priceless bond every day. Its objective is to ensure that the teaching-learning process across classrooms stays ahead of the changing times and trends. 

Round the year, teachers upgrade themselves through a series of workshops, seminars, conferences, training programmes, certification courses, empowering assessments, self-evaluation symposiums, counselling sessions and skill-enhancing practices. In this way they stop being simply curriculum facilitators; their interaction with pupils stimulates student engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, leaving a lasting impression on young minds.

Workshops and training programmes, designed for the South Point Faculty, help it to be attuned to handling the demands of modern life and their influences on youngsters. Pastoral Counselling training-cum-workshops, have successfully empowered, enabled and energised a large group of teachers in both Schools. Frequent sessions are conducted by School counsellors too. 

Workshops conducted by eminent educationists and language resource persons lay stress on skill enhancement in speaking, listening and writing, and explore the evaluation pattern in the changing syllabi. Faculties for all subjects attend such enriching training sessions.

Arithmetic teachers of Junior School attend refresher Mindspark workshops regularly while refresher Smart Class workshops are frequent too. In High School, teachers of all subjects upgrade themselves and hone their skills at workshops on planning the syllabus, the question paper pattern, correction and evaluation of answer scripts, according to the CBSE pattern. All these courses enhance the core competence of the faculty which, in turn, is reflected in the smart and confident way in which they mentor Pointers. South Point’s objective is to give teachers a vision to make learning and evaluation more flexible.

To give Pointers a strong tomorrow, the South Point faculty treads the path of change and implements newer, smarter teaching methods.