South Point School

Athletic Meet

South Point hosts its Biennial Athletic Meet with great aplomb over two days for its junior and senior pupils in December/January. The event is inaugurated by a renowned personality from the field of sports or athletics. The event draws big crowds to cheer the Pointers, enthusiastically participating in vibrant displays of march-past, drill, karate, symmetrical formations, track and field events, cycling, and a slew of other activities. Little ones from South Point School are the obvious show-stealers, taking part in races, with sweet and innovative themes and names. The arena, in a swirl of radiant hues, draws out the sporting talent of Pointers who keep the torch burning and the flag flying high with an impressive display of grit, stamina and skill. The rainbow of performances by the Pointers at the Athletic Meet matches the brilliant colours of the house flags fluttering in the winter breeze.

athletic meet