South Point School

Counselling Cell

Both South Point School and South Point High School have Counselling Cells to handle specific concerns of Pointers. Pupils, as well as parents, are always welcome to approach them.

The South Point School Counsellor is available on all week days to address issues across a broad spectrum of students. South Point High School has two full-time qualified Psychologists or Health and Wellness teachers.

Both the Schools have Special Educators for pupils in need of specialized guidance, besides having a number of teachers who have trained as Pastoral Guides to address social and emotional concerns of pupils effectively.

Both Junior and High Schools have a Counselling Cell to handle specific concerns of Pointers. Pupils as well as parents are always welcome to approach it. The South Point School Counsellor is available on most days and prior appointments should be made for a session with her.

South Point High School has two full-time qualified Psychologists or Health and Wellness teachers. Both the Schools have Special Educators for pupils in need of specialized teaching, besides having a number of teachers who have trained as Pastoral Guides to address Pointers’ concerns.

Interactive Sessions & Parent-Teacher Meetings

Besides regular communication between parents and teachers over pupils’ progress in both Schools, formal parent-teacher meetings occur periodically every term. Parents can freely share concerns about their wards with the School authorities.

Before the little ones join South Point School, the School organizes a very effective orientation programme for the guardians of children being admitted to Nursery classes. It eases out the initial hiccups of school life. July-August sees several interactive parent-teacher sessions for all classes, providing a platform for communication between teachers and parents, to discuss issues related to the academic progress of the children, as well as to share other information. Issues raised by parents find immediate redressal. The authorities also provide valuable suggestions on good and sensitive parenting.

The Principal of South Point High School addresses the guardians of pupils who, on being promoted to Class VI, begin their first year in High School. Interactive sessions are held with the guardians of students studying in the other classes which help to provide regular communication regarding their progress.

Besides regular communication between parents and teachers over pupils’ progress in both Schools, formal parent-teacher meetings occur periodically every term. Parents can freely share any concern about their wards with the School authorities.

Before the little ones join South Point School, the School organizes a most effective orientation programme for the guardians of children being admitted to Nursery classes. It eases out the initial hiccups of school life. The Principal of South Point School also addresses interactive sessions with a small group of parents of pupils up to Class V to brief them on steps taken in School and on upcoming changes. July-August sees several interactive parent-teacher sessions for Transition to Class pupils, providing a platform to clarify the basic functions of School, the worksheet, assessment and evaluation patterns, the marking and promotion criteria so that ailing pupils are not sent to School for class work. Issues raised by parents find immediate redressal. The authorities also provide valuable suggestions on good and sensitive parenting.

The Principal, South Point High School, specifically addresses the guardians of pupils who, on being promoted to Class VI, begin their first year in High School. There are interactive sessions with the guardians of Pointers studying in Classes X, XI and XII as well, providing regular communication over the progress of Pointers.